Age Difference in Relationships

Age Difference in Relationships

Perhaps because of show business, age gap in people’s relationship was brought to the forefront. To some nations, an older man marrying a (much) younger woman is part of the culture. It has something to do with assurance in the women’s fertility. There are a lot of...
Beauty or Character?

Beauty or Character?

One of the age-old debates include the battle between looks and personality. There have been lectures showing how “looks are not everything” and “personality is more important.” There have also been movies and shows depicting such battles—how a lowly, homely faced...
Does Love Conquer All?

Does Love Conquer All?

There have been multiple references in literature about how love can conquer all. The romantics since the Roman poet Virgil, who was the first to coin the phrase in Latin: “Amor vincit omnia, et nos cedamus amori,” or “Love conquers all, and we yield to love.” Fiction...
Falling Out of Love? Fix or Flee?

Falling Out of Love? Fix or Flee?

Case 1: High school sweethearts who have been together for ten years finally get engaged. They have not even made plans for the wedding when they decided to call off the wedding and then break up for good. Case 2: A couple who had been together for fifteen years had a...