Living Life:
Poems and Reflections

All life is precious, no matter what the reasoning; it should never be
easy to harm another life. There is a difference between wishing harm
on someone and causing harm to them. In life we are all uniquely
valuable and to be robbed of that uniqueness is unacceptable. We all
live in this world and we need to be more amicable to our fellow man.
This world is not an easy place; the hardest thing for us to do is live
here. Love must start somewhere and that is with us. Robin wants
to express thoughts of love to inspire others. This is the mission of
Robin Hosking’s poetry. If we love, we live. If we stop loving or turn
away from the love offered to us, we die.
Mother Earth
I love you and provide for you with all that I have
I nourish you with the food from my ground
I hydrate you with my water
From all of my lovely plants and trees, you are able to breathe
I love it when you come out to visit with me and admire my many scenes
When you swim in my lakes and streams, I really enjoy your company,
But you are mistreating me…