My Books

My Books


Poems of Inspiration and Enlightenment

In Loving Life Poems of Inspiration and Enlightenment, Poet Robin Hosking
reminds us that we are born to love, and we are never without love as love is a part
of us all. Robin believes that if we love, we live; if we stop loving or turn away from
the love offered to us, we die.

Love Never Dies

We Knew without knowing,
seen without seeing,
touched without touching, and
Loved without loving
We are one will always be, never without the other through all eternity.

Living Life:

Poems and Reflections

All life is precious, no matter what the reasoning; it should never be easy to harm another life. There is a difference between wishing harm on someone and causing harm to them. In life we are all uniquely valuable and to be robbed of that uniqueness is unacceptable. We all live in this world and we need to be more amicable to our fellow man.

This world is not an easy place; the hardest thing for us to do is live here. Love must start somewhere and that is with us. Robin wants to express thoughts of love to inspire others. This is the mission of Robin Hosking’s poetry. If we love, we live. If we stop loving or turn away from the love offered to us, we die.

Seeing Life:

Poems of Empowerment and Self-Confidence

Here on this journey that we call life, we are all vessels.
Shells, if you will, covered with skin, but the true us underneath is the spirit, the will,
the energy, so to speak, that helps us to move.
Without this, we would be motionless.

Because of this energy, spirit, will—whatever you want to call it—the fact is that we
are connected to everyone and everything.
We are not as alone as we think.

We just have to look from a different view to see that we belong to everything.
We are all connected.